
At Full Circle Facilitation, we find change fascinating, especially when it involves complexity. We understand that every organization encounters its own unique challenges, and therefore, requires tailored solutions. To tackle complex challenges, organizations need fresh approaches that embrace diverse opinions and perspectives, enabling the development and testing of innovative solutions..


We approach your organization with an open mind, asking insightful questions and listening deeply. We engage diverse stakeholders to generate ideas and experiment with them through participatory processes. Our focus is on promoting learning and understanding to find the most ideal solution for your organization.


We empower organizations to navigate change successfully in complex environments. Through tailored facilitation processes, we provide the tools and strategies needed to embrace complexity, adapt, and thrive. With our support, organizations gain the capacity to confidently respond to dynamic and complex challenges.


Chad Clippingdale is a lifelong learner based in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. With a background in psychology and change management, he specializes in navigating complex systems and facilitating transformative change. His areas of expertise include organizational change, learning organizations, participatory engagement, and sustainability. Chad is dedicated to understanding and supporting the dynamics of change for individuals, organizations, and systems.